Today, I am thankful for the tremendous grace God gives each and every one of us. This morning in church, we got to hear the story of a girl who accepted Christ just a few months before her life was ended in a car accident a couple months before she graduated from college. She came to know Christ when she unexpectedly found herself needing a roommate her last semester and God placed a Christian who walked out her faith every day and was everything this girl needed at that time. Though this girl assumed she was too much of a screw up, her new roommate helped her come to know His grace. And now, her story continues to be told because she wrote it all down and her family chose to share it. It brought tears to my eyes this morning as I listened and again as I write about it now. God loves us and he pursues us despite all we do and have done and we are forgiven through Christ all because of grace. Amazing, indeed.
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me...
I once was lost but now am found,
was blind, but now, I see.