Sunday, June 17, 2012

Be Still

Be still is a reminder that I get a lot.  That's probably because I need to hear it a lot.  When things get stressful, my first instinct is to try to do things to help with the situation that's causing the stress.  And there are time when I need to keep doing my part in the situation and let God do His part, but there are also times when what I need to do most is to be still and listen.  And I'm learning that to being still isn't only something I need to do when I'm stressed - it's just more urgent then.  But though life feels fairly calm at the moment, I was reminded again this week of the importance of listening.

So, that is my goal this week - to be still and really listen during my time with God.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Loving my Loves

10 Things I Love About My Sweet Ones

1. Bug is such an amazing thinker!  I love listening to him tell me about how he figured something out - it's fascinating.
2. Basil has such a darling heart for others.  When someone is sad, she always moves to comfort.  And her little hugs are magic.
3. Bug is strong willed.  Sometimes that's very challenging when what he's passionate about something that conflicts with that we as his parents are telling him needs to happen, but I know that strength can lead to him doing great things for God one day.
4. Basil is a snuggler.  She loves to curl up and read stories with me.
5. Bug is a reader like me.  We both love just hanging out on the couch enjoying our books.
6. Basil acts out the cutest stories with her stuffed animals.  She can build elaborate "picnics" complete with food, stories, and bedtime (not sure how those come together), it's so much fun to just sit back and watch.
7. Bug is constantly in motion.  Ok, not constantly, but some days it feels like it.  I admit that this frustrates me more often than not, but it's also really cool to me when I see so many kids who spend far too much time in front of TV or gaming devices.
8. Basil is also very strong willed.  I don't like it when it comes out as defiance, but like her brother, I know she's going to do great things with that passion some day. 
9. Bug has the cutest grin.  He's missing his two front teeth right now and it's even cuter.
10. Basil loves to sing.  She makes up songs and she sings along with the stereo in the car. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Only Hope

My sweet Bug has never been one of those "easy" kids.  He's a lot of fun and a joy to be around, but definitely not easy.  We've learned a lot as he's grown about what makes him tick - what's almost guaranteed to be challenged, what's likely to go somewhat smoothly.  But, for a while there, it felt like most of our daily routine was in the almost guaranteed to be challenged category, whether it was food, speaking at a reasonable volume level, or any number of other things throughout the day.  It was exhausting!  The good news is that it drove to my knees seeking God's wisdom because I could not figure it out and I was so discouraged and worried about discouraging him in my frustration.  Some days it felt like we'd never get to the point where our days were not made up of a series of mini battles.  But, there is always HOPE.  The past couple of months have been calmer.  It felt like it just happened one day, though I realize that it was actually small improvements day by day.  While I was marveling over this a few weeks ago, God so kindly told me to remember this.  I know that it's a season and not a permanent change and that it is an answer to so many prayers and a reminder of the incredible hope that we find in the Lord.

One thing that really encouraged me last winter was reading the e-book Hope for the Weary Mom: Where God Meets You in Your Mess by Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin and participating in some great discussion with others moms during a study they hosted on Facebook. It's time for 7 More Days of Hope and this time it's being hosted by a range of different blogs and I'm so excited to join in again at with other mamas who work outside the home. Check out M.O.B. Society or MODsquad to find the right group for you.