Saturday, November 3, 2012

Giving Thanks - Day 3

My husband is the best partner.  Whether it's trading off on getting up with a restless preschooler who still isn't a great sleeper or sharing the household chores, I always know that we are living our life together side by side.  I am thankful for the incredibly hard working man that he is as he studies hard for classes and works to do his best, but also makes time for our kids and me.  I love that he recognizes what I need, sometimes even before I do, and then supports me in meeting that need.  Sometimes that looks like time together and some times it's taking care of the kids so that I can do something on my own.

And in addition to the team work and the support, I am thankful for the great conversations, the fun times we have together as a couple and as a family, and dozens of other ways that he is the best partner.  God has truly blessed me with him.

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